Michael W. Olson
18 years ago
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/erbot
Module name: erbot
Changes by: Michael W. Olson <mwolson> 07/02/07 02:16:53
Modified files:
contrib : wtf.el
Log message:
Revision: ***@gnu.org--2006/erbot--cvs--0--patch-33
Check in new version of wtf.el
Index: wtf.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/erbot/erbot/contrib/wtf.el,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.17 -r1.18
--- wtf.el 28 Jul 2006 04:01:30 -0000 1.17
+++ wtf.el 7 Feb 2007 02:16:53 -0000 1.18
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
;; wtf.el --- Look up conversational and computing acronyms
-;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Michael Olson
+;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Michael Olson
-;; Author: Michael Olson
-;; Version: 1.3
+;; Author: Michael Olson (mwolson AT gnu DOT org)
+;; Date: Tue 06-Feb-2007
+;; Version: 1.4
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -24,15 +25,15 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; Thanks to Trent Buck for `emacs-wiki-wtf.el', which inspired the
-;; creation of `wtf.el'.
+;; wtf.el provides the ability to look up the definitions of popular
+;; conversational and computing acronyms.
-;; Use:
+;; * Use:
;; To use this, go to an unknown term in a buffer and type M-x wtf-is.
;; This can also be done programmatically.
-;; Legalese:
+;; * Legalese:
;; The terms were downloaded from
;; http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/share/misc/. No copyright
@@ -46,8 +47,15 @@
;; (http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/games/wtf/wtf) is in the
;; public domain.
+;; * Acknowledgments:
+;; Thanks to Trent Buck for `emacs-wiki-wtf.el', which inspired the
+;; creation of `wtf.el'.
+;;; Code:
(defvar wtf-alist
- '(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.156 2006/05/15 14:11:07 christos Exp $
+ '(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.164 2007/01/31 18:37:07 elad Exp $
("AFAIC" . "as far as i'm concerned")
("AFAICR" . "as far as i can recall")
("AFAICT" . "as far as i can tell")
@@ -121,6 +129,8 @@
("FSDO" . "for some definition of")
("FSVO" . "for some value of")
("FTFM" . "fuck the fuckin' manual!")
+ ("FTL" . "for the loss")
+ ("FTW" . "for the win")
("FUBAR" . "fucked up beyond all recognition")
("FUD" . "fear, uncertainty and doubt")
("FWIW" . "for what it's worth")
@@ -133,6 +143,7 @@
("GMTA" . "great minds think alike")
("GTFO" . "get the fuck out")
("GTG" . "got to go")
+ ("GWS" . "get well soon")
("HAND" . "have a nice day")
("HHIS" . "hanging head in shame")
("HICA" . "here it comes again")
@@ -174,6 +185,7 @@
("L8R" . "later")
("LART" . "luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)")
("LBNL" . "last but not least")
+ ("LGTM" . "looks good to me")
("LJBF" . "let's just be friends")
("LMAO" . "laughing my ass off")
("LMSO" . "laughing my socks off")
@@ -252,22 +264,27 @@
("SOL" . "shit out [of] luck")
("SOP" . "standard operating procedure")
("SSIA" . "subject says it all")
+ ("SSTO" . "single stage to orbit")
("STFA" . "search the fucking archives")
("STFU" . "shut the fuck up")
("STFW" . "search the fucking web")
("SUS" . "stupid user syndrome")
("SWAG" . "silly, wild-assed guess")
("SWAHBI" . "silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea")
+ ("SWFG" . "search with fucking google")
("SWMBO" . "she who must be obeyed")
("TANSTAAFL" . "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch")
("TBC" . "to be continued")
("TBD" . "to be {decided,determined,done}")
+ ("TBH" . "to be honest")
("TBOMK" . "the best of my knowledge")
("THNX" . "thanks")
("THX" . "thanks")
("TIA" . "thanks in advance")
("TINC" . "there is no cabal")
("TLA" . "three letter acronym")
+ ("TLC" . "tender loving care")
+ ("TLDR" . "too long, didn't read")
("TMA" . "too many abbreviations")
("TMI" . "too much information")
("TMTOWTDI" . "there's more than one way to do it")
@@ -305,7 +322,7 @@
("YMA" . "yo momma's ass")
("YMMV" . "your mileage may vary")
("YW" . "you're welcome")
- ;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.69 2006/06/09 07:07:28 elad Exp $
+ ;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.72 2007/01/19
("3WHS" . "three-way handshake")
("ABI" . "application binary interface")
("ACL" . "access control list")
@@ -323,12 +340,12 @@
("ARP" . "address resolution protocol")
("ARQ" . "automatic repeat request")
("AS" . "autonomous system")
- ("ASN" . "autonomous system number")
("ASCII" . "american standard code for information interchange")
+ ("ASN" . "autonomous system number")
("AT" . "advanced technology")
("ATA" . "advanced technology attachment")
- ("ATC" . "address translation cache")
("ATAPI" . "advanced technology attachment packet interface")
+ ("ATC" . "address translation cache")
("ATM" . "asynchronous transfer mode")
("ATX" . "advanced technology extended")
("BEDO" . "burst extended data output")
@@ -338,16 +355,17 @@
("BIOS" . "basic input/output system")
("BLOB" . "binary large object")
("BPS" . "bits per second")
- ("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
("BQS" . "berkeley quality software")
+ ("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
("CAD" . "computer-aided design")
+ ("CARP" . "common address redundancy protocol")
("CAV" . "Constant Angular Velocity (as opposed to CLV)")
("CCD" . "charge coupled device")
("CD" . "compact disc")
("CDDA" . "compact disc digital audio")
("CDRAM" . "cache dynamic random access memory")
("CER" . "canonical encoding rules")
- ("CGA" . "color graphics array")
+ ("CGA" . "color graphics {array,adapter}")
("CGI" . "common gateway interface")
("CHS" . "cylinder/head/sector")
("CIDR" . "classless inter-domain routing")
@@ -393,12 +411,15 @@
("DTE" . "dumb terminal emulator")
("DVD" . "digital versatile disc")
("DVI" . "digital visual interface")
+ ("E-XER" . "Extended XML encoding Rules")
+ ("EAP" . "extensible authentication protocol")
("ECP" . "enhanced capability port")
("EDID" . "extended display identification data")
("EDO" . "extended data out")
("EEPROM" . "electrically erasable programmable read only memory")
+ ("EFI" . "extensible firmware interface")
("EFM" . "eight to fourteen modulation")
- ("EGA" . "enhanced graphics array")
+ ("EGA" . "enhanced graphics {array,adapter}")
("EGP" . "exterior gateway protocol")
("EISA" . "extended industry standard architecture")
("ELF" . "executable and linking format")
@@ -408,7 +429,6 @@
("EPRML" . "extended partial response, maximum likelihood")
("EPROM" . "erasable programmable read only memory")
("ESDRAM" . "enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory")
- ("E-XER" . "Extended XML Encoding Rules")
("FAT" . "file allocation table")
("FBRAM" . "frame buffer random access memory")
("FCS" . "frame check sequence")
@@ -421,6 +441,7 @@
("FPM" . "fast page mode")
("FQDN" . "fully qualified domain name")
("FTP" . "file transfer protocol")
+ ("FTPS" . "file transfer protocol, secure")
("GC" . "garbage collector")
("GCR" . "group-coded recording")
("GIF" . "graphics interchange format")
@@ -432,6 +453,7 @@
("HDCP" . "high-bandwidth digital content protection")
("HTML" . "hyper-text markup language")
("HTTP" . "hyper-text transfer protocol")
+ ("HTTPS" . "hyper-text transfer protocol, secure")
("I2O" . "intelligent input/output")
("IANA" . "internet assigned number authority")
("IC" . "integrated circuit")
@@ -447,10 +469,10 @@
("IKE" . "internet key exchange")
("IMAP" . "internet mail access protocol")
("INCITS" . "international committee on information technology standards")
- ("IPC" . "interprocess communication")
("IO" . "input/output")
("IOCTL" . "input/output control")
("IP" . "internet protocol")
+ ("IPC" . "interprocess communication")
("IPNG" . "internet protocol, next generation")
("IPSEC" . "internet protocol security")
("IRC" . "internet relay chat")
@@ -467,6 +489,7 @@
("JPEG" . "joint photographic experts group")
("KPI" . "kernel programming interface")
("KVA" . "kernel virtual address")
+ ("KVM" . "keyboard, video, mouse switch")
("LAN" . "local area network")
("LBA" . "logical block addressing")
("LCD" . "liquid crystal display")
@@ -474,9 +497,10 @@
("LDAP" . "lightweight directory access protocol")
("LED" . "light emitting diode")
("LIR" . "local internet registry")
+ ("LKM" . "{linux, loadable} kernel module")
("LLC" . "logical link control")
("LRC" . "longitudinal redundancy check")
- ("LSB" . "least significant bit [or: byte]")
+ ("LSB" . "Least Significant {Bit,Byte} (or Linux Standards Base)")
("LUN" . "logical unit number")
("LZW" . "Lempel Ziv Welch")
("MAC" . "medium access control")
@@ -488,7 +512,8 @@
("MIPS" . "million instructions per second")
("MMU" . "memory management unit")
("MPEG" . "moving picture experts group")
- ("MSB" . "most significant bit [or: byte]")
+ ("MPLS" . "multiprotocol label switching")
+ ("MSB" . "most significant {bit,byte}")
("MSF" . "minutes seconds frames")
("MSS" . "maximum segment size")
("MTA" . "mail transfer agent")
@@ -498,6 +523,7 @@
("NAT" . "network address translation")
("NAV" . "network allocation vector")
("NCP" . "network control protocol")
+ ("NCQ" . "native command queuing")
("NFS" . "network file system")
("NIC" . "network interface card")
("NIS" . "network information service")
@@ -508,18 +534,19 @@
("OEM" . "original equipment manufacturer")
("OFDM" . "orthogonal frequency division multiplexing")
("OSF" . "open software foundation")
- ("OSI" . "open systems interconnection")
+ ("OSI" . "Open Systems Interconnection (or Open-Source Initiative)")
+ ("OSPF" . "open shortest path first")
("OTP" . "one time password")
- ("PAM" . "pluggable authentication modules")
- ("PAM" . "pulse amplitude modulation")
+ ("PAM" .
+ "Pluggable Authentication Modules (or Pulse Amplitude Modulation)")
("PAT" . "port address translation")
("PAX" . "portable archive exchange")
("PC" . "personal computer")
("PCI" . "peripheral component interconnect")
("PCM" . "pulse code modulation")
("PCMCIA" . "personal computer memory card international association")
- ("PDU" . "protocol data unit")
("PDP" . "page descriptor page")
+ ("PDU" . "protocol data unit")
("PER" . "packed encoding rules")
("PERL" . "practical extraction [and] report language")
("PFS" . "perfect forward secrecy")
@@ -540,10 +567,11 @@
("PPPOE" . "point-to-point protocol over ethernet")
("PRML" . "partial response, maximum likelihood")
("PROM" . "programmable read only memory")
+ ("PSK" . "pre-shared key")
+ ("PSTN" . "public switched telephone network")
("PTE" . "page table entry")
("PTLA" . "pseudo top level aggregator")
("PTP" . "page table page")
- ("PSTN" . "public switched telephone network")
("PWM" . "pulse width modulation")
("QOS" . "quality of service")
("RAID" . "redundant array of inexpensive disks")
@@ -567,6 +595,8 @@
("SAM" . "serial access memory")
("SASI" . "Shugart Associates System Interface (predecessor to SCSI)")
("SATA" . "serial advanced technology attachment")
+ ("SB" . "sound blaster")
+ ("SCM" . "Software Configuration Management (or Source Code Management)")
("SCSI" . "small computer system interface")
("SDRAM" . "synchronous dynamic random access memory")
("SGRAM" . "synchronous graphics random access memory")
@@ -585,11 +615,13 @@
("SSH" . "secure shell")
("SSL" . "secure sockets layer")
("STP" . "shielded twisted pair")
- ("SVGA" . "super video graphics array")
+ ("SVGA" . "super video graphics {array,adapter}")
("TCL" . "tool command language")
("TCP" . "transmission control protocol")
+ ("TCQ" . "tagged command queueing")
("TDD" . "test driven development")
("TFT" . "thin film transistor")
+ ("TFTP" . "trivial file transfer protocol")
("TIFF" . "tagged image file format")
("TLA" . "top level aggregator")
("TLB" . "transition lookaside buffer")
@@ -614,22 +646,27 @@
("USWC" . "uncacheable speculative write combining")
("UTP" . "unshielded twisted pair")
("UUCP" . "unix-to-unix copy protocol")
+ ("UUOC" . "useless use of cat")
("VAX" . "virtual address extension")
("VCM" . "virtual channel memory")
("VESA" . "video electronics standards association")
- ("VGA" . "video graphics array")
+ ("VGA" . "video graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("WIFI" . "wireless fidelity")
("VLAN" . "virtual local area network")
- ("VLSM" . "variable length subnetting mask")
- ("VM" . "virtual memory")
+ ("VLSM" . "variable length subnet mask")
+ ("VM" . "virtual {machine,memory}")
("VPN" . "virtual private network")
("VRAM" . "video random access memory")
+ ("VRRP" . "virtual router redundancy protocol")
("WAN" . "wide area network")
("WAP" . "wireless application protocol")
+ ("WEP" . "wired equivalent privacy")
("WLAN" . "wireless local area network")
+ ("WPA" . "wi-fi protected access")
("WRAM" . "window random access memory")
("WWW" . "world wide web")
("XER" . "XML Encoding Rules")
- ("XGA" . "extended graphics array")
+ ("XGA" . "extended graphics {array,adapter}")
("XML" . "extensible markup language")
("XSL" . "extensible stylesheet language")
("XT" . "extended technology")
@@ -642,12 +679,13 @@
("FTBFS" . "failure to build from source")
("GAFC" . "get a fucking clue")
("IDS" . "intrusion detection system")
+ ("IDK" . "i don't know")
("IYSWIM" . "if you see what i mean")
("NIFOC" . "naked in front of computer")
("PITB" . "pain in the butt")
("ROTFLMAO" . "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off")
("TWAT" . "the war against terrorism")
- ("WTB" . "Where's The Beef"))
+ ("WTB" . "where's the beef"))
"Mapping of acronyms to expansions.")
(defun wtf-match-string-no-properties (num &optional string)
Module name: erbot
Changes by: Michael W. Olson <mwolson> 07/02/07 02:16:53
Modified files:
contrib : wtf.el
Log message:
Revision: ***@gnu.org--2006/erbot--cvs--0--patch-33
Check in new version of wtf.el
Index: wtf.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/erbot/erbot/contrib/wtf.el,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.17 -r1.18
--- wtf.el 28 Jul 2006 04:01:30 -0000 1.17
+++ wtf.el 7 Feb 2007 02:16:53 -0000 1.18
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
;; wtf.el --- Look up conversational and computing acronyms
-;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Michael Olson
+;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Michael Olson
-;; Author: Michael Olson
-;; Version: 1.3
+;; Author: Michael Olson (mwolson AT gnu DOT org)
+;; Date: Tue 06-Feb-2007
+;; Version: 1.4
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -24,15 +25,15 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; Thanks to Trent Buck for `emacs-wiki-wtf.el', which inspired the
-;; creation of `wtf.el'.
+;; wtf.el provides the ability to look up the definitions of popular
+;; conversational and computing acronyms.
-;; Use:
+;; * Use:
;; To use this, go to an unknown term in a buffer and type M-x wtf-is.
;; This can also be done programmatically.
-;; Legalese:
+;; * Legalese:
;; The terms were downloaded from
;; http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/share/misc/. No copyright
@@ -46,8 +47,15 @@
;; (http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/games/wtf/wtf) is in the
;; public domain.
+;; * Acknowledgments:
+;; Thanks to Trent Buck for `emacs-wiki-wtf.el', which inspired the
+;; creation of `wtf.el'.
+;;; Code:
(defvar wtf-alist
- '(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.156 2006/05/15 14:11:07 christos Exp $
+ '(;; $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.164 2007/01/31 18:37:07 elad Exp $
("AFAIC" . "as far as i'm concerned")
("AFAICR" . "as far as i can recall")
("AFAICT" . "as far as i can tell")
@@ -121,6 +129,8 @@
("FSDO" . "for some definition of")
("FSVO" . "for some value of")
("FTFM" . "fuck the fuckin' manual!")
+ ("FTL" . "for the loss")
+ ("FTW" . "for the win")
("FUBAR" . "fucked up beyond all recognition")
("FUD" . "fear, uncertainty and doubt")
("FWIW" . "for what it's worth")
@@ -133,6 +143,7 @@
("GMTA" . "great minds think alike")
("GTFO" . "get the fuck out")
("GTG" . "got to go")
+ ("GWS" . "get well soon")
("HAND" . "have a nice day")
("HHIS" . "hanging head in shame")
("HICA" . "here it comes again")
@@ -174,6 +185,7 @@
("L8R" . "later")
("LART" . "luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)")
("LBNL" . "last but not least")
+ ("LGTM" . "looks good to me")
("LJBF" . "let's just be friends")
("LMAO" . "laughing my ass off")
("LMSO" . "laughing my socks off")
@@ -252,22 +264,27 @@
("SOL" . "shit out [of] luck")
("SOP" . "standard operating procedure")
("SSIA" . "subject says it all")
+ ("SSTO" . "single stage to orbit")
("STFA" . "search the fucking archives")
("STFU" . "shut the fuck up")
("STFW" . "search the fucking web")
("SUS" . "stupid user syndrome")
("SWAG" . "silly, wild-assed guess")
("SWAHBI" . "silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea")
+ ("SWFG" . "search with fucking google")
("SWMBO" . "she who must be obeyed")
("TANSTAAFL" . "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch")
("TBC" . "to be continued")
("TBD" . "to be {decided,determined,done}")
+ ("TBH" . "to be honest")
("TBOMK" . "the best of my knowledge")
("THNX" . "thanks")
("THX" . "thanks")
("TIA" . "thanks in advance")
("TINC" . "there is no cabal")
("TLA" . "three letter acronym")
+ ("TLC" . "tender loving care")
+ ("TLDR" . "too long, didn't read")
("TMA" . "too many abbreviations")
("TMI" . "too much information")
("TMTOWTDI" . "there's more than one way to do it")
@@ -305,7 +322,7 @@
("YMA" . "yo momma's ass")
("YMMV" . "your mileage may vary")
("YW" . "you're welcome")
- ;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.69 2006/06/09 07:07:28 elad Exp $
+ ;; $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.72 2007/01/19
("3WHS" . "three-way handshake")
("ABI" . "application binary interface")
("ACL" . "access control list")
@@ -323,12 +340,12 @@
("ARP" . "address resolution protocol")
("ARQ" . "automatic repeat request")
("AS" . "autonomous system")
- ("ASN" . "autonomous system number")
("ASCII" . "american standard code for information interchange")
+ ("ASN" . "autonomous system number")
("AT" . "advanced technology")
("ATA" . "advanced technology attachment")
- ("ATC" . "address translation cache")
("ATAPI" . "advanced technology attachment packet interface")
+ ("ATC" . "address translation cache")
("ATM" . "asynchronous transfer mode")
("ATX" . "advanced technology extended")
("BEDO" . "burst extended data output")
@@ -338,16 +355,17 @@
("BIOS" . "basic input/output system")
("BLOB" . "binary large object")
("BPS" . "bits per second")
- ("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
("BQS" . "berkeley quality software")
+ ("BSD" . "berkeley software distribution")
("CAD" . "computer-aided design")
+ ("CARP" . "common address redundancy protocol")
("CAV" . "Constant Angular Velocity (as opposed to CLV)")
("CCD" . "charge coupled device")
("CD" . "compact disc")
("CDDA" . "compact disc digital audio")
("CDRAM" . "cache dynamic random access memory")
("CER" . "canonical encoding rules")
- ("CGA" . "color graphics array")
+ ("CGA" . "color graphics {array,adapter}")
("CGI" . "common gateway interface")
("CHS" . "cylinder/head/sector")
("CIDR" . "classless inter-domain routing")
@@ -393,12 +411,15 @@
("DTE" . "dumb terminal emulator")
("DVD" . "digital versatile disc")
("DVI" . "digital visual interface")
+ ("E-XER" . "Extended XML encoding Rules")
+ ("EAP" . "extensible authentication protocol")
("ECP" . "enhanced capability port")
("EDID" . "extended display identification data")
("EDO" . "extended data out")
("EEPROM" . "electrically erasable programmable read only memory")
+ ("EFI" . "extensible firmware interface")
("EFM" . "eight to fourteen modulation")
- ("EGA" . "enhanced graphics array")
+ ("EGA" . "enhanced graphics {array,adapter}")
("EGP" . "exterior gateway protocol")
("EISA" . "extended industry standard architecture")
("ELF" . "executable and linking format")
@@ -408,7 +429,6 @@
("EPRML" . "extended partial response, maximum likelihood")
("EPROM" . "erasable programmable read only memory")
("ESDRAM" . "enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory")
- ("E-XER" . "Extended XML Encoding Rules")
("FAT" . "file allocation table")
("FBRAM" . "frame buffer random access memory")
("FCS" . "frame check sequence")
@@ -421,6 +441,7 @@
("FPM" . "fast page mode")
("FQDN" . "fully qualified domain name")
("FTP" . "file transfer protocol")
+ ("FTPS" . "file transfer protocol, secure")
("GC" . "garbage collector")
("GCR" . "group-coded recording")
("GIF" . "graphics interchange format")
@@ -432,6 +453,7 @@
("HDCP" . "high-bandwidth digital content protection")
("HTML" . "hyper-text markup language")
("HTTP" . "hyper-text transfer protocol")
+ ("HTTPS" . "hyper-text transfer protocol, secure")
("I2O" . "intelligent input/output")
("IANA" . "internet assigned number authority")
("IC" . "integrated circuit")
@@ -447,10 +469,10 @@
("IKE" . "internet key exchange")
("IMAP" . "internet mail access protocol")
("INCITS" . "international committee on information technology standards")
- ("IPC" . "interprocess communication")
("IO" . "input/output")
("IOCTL" . "input/output control")
("IP" . "internet protocol")
+ ("IPC" . "interprocess communication")
("IPNG" . "internet protocol, next generation")
("IPSEC" . "internet protocol security")
("IRC" . "internet relay chat")
@@ -467,6 +489,7 @@
("JPEG" . "joint photographic experts group")
("KPI" . "kernel programming interface")
("KVA" . "kernel virtual address")
+ ("KVM" . "keyboard, video, mouse switch")
("LAN" . "local area network")
("LBA" . "logical block addressing")
("LCD" . "liquid crystal display")
@@ -474,9 +497,10 @@
("LDAP" . "lightweight directory access protocol")
("LED" . "light emitting diode")
("LIR" . "local internet registry")
+ ("LKM" . "{linux, loadable} kernel module")
("LLC" . "logical link control")
("LRC" . "longitudinal redundancy check")
- ("LSB" . "least significant bit [or: byte]")
+ ("LSB" . "Least Significant {Bit,Byte} (or Linux Standards Base)")
("LUN" . "logical unit number")
("LZW" . "Lempel Ziv Welch")
("MAC" . "medium access control")
@@ -488,7 +512,8 @@
("MIPS" . "million instructions per second")
("MMU" . "memory management unit")
("MPEG" . "moving picture experts group")
- ("MSB" . "most significant bit [or: byte]")
+ ("MPLS" . "multiprotocol label switching")
+ ("MSB" . "most significant {bit,byte}")
("MSF" . "minutes seconds frames")
("MSS" . "maximum segment size")
("MTA" . "mail transfer agent")
@@ -498,6 +523,7 @@
("NAT" . "network address translation")
("NAV" . "network allocation vector")
("NCP" . "network control protocol")
+ ("NCQ" . "native command queuing")
("NFS" . "network file system")
("NIC" . "network interface card")
("NIS" . "network information service")
@@ -508,18 +534,19 @@
("OEM" . "original equipment manufacturer")
("OFDM" . "orthogonal frequency division multiplexing")
("OSF" . "open software foundation")
- ("OSI" . "open systems interconnection")
+ ("OSI" . "Open Systems Interconnection (or Open-Source Initiative)")
+ ("OSPF" . "open shortest path first")
("OTP" . "one time password")
- ("PAM" . "pluggable authentication modules")
- ("PAM" . "pulse amplitude modulation")
+ ("PAM" .
+ "Pluggable Authentication Modules (or Pulse Amplitude Modulation)")
("PAT" . "port address translation")
("PAX" . "portable archive exchange")
("PC" . "personal computer")
("PCI" . "peripheral component interconnect")
("PCM" . "pulse code modulation")
("PCMCIA" . "personal computer memory card international association")
- ("PDU" . "protocol data unit")
("PDP" . "page descriptor page")
+ ("PDU" . "protocol data unit")
("PER" . "packed encoding rules")
("PERL" . "practical extraction [and] report language")
("PFS" . "perfect forward secrecy")
@@ -540,10 +567,11 @@
("PPPOE" . "point-to-point protocol over ethernet")
("PRML" . "partial response, maximum likelihood")
("PROM" . "programmable read only memory")
+ ("PSK" . "pre-shared key")
+ ("PSTN" . "public switched telephone network")
("PTE" . "page table entry")
("PTLA" . "pseudo top level aggregator")
("PTP" . "page table page")
- ("PSTN" . "public switched telephone network")
("PWM" . "pulse width modulation")
("QOS" . "quality of service")
("RAID" . "redundant array of inexpensive disks")
@@ -567,6 +595,8 @@
("SAM" . "serial access memory")
("SASI" . "Shugart Associates System Interface (predecessor to SCSI)")
("SATA" . "serial advanced technology attachment")
+ ("SB" . "sound blaster")
+ ("SCM" . "Software Configuration Management (or Source Code Management)")
("SCSI" . "small computer system interface")
("SDRAM" . "synchronous dynamic random access memory")
("SGRAM" . "synchronous graphics random access memory")
@@ -585,11 +615,13 @@
("SSH" . "secure shell")
("SSL" . "secure sockets layer")
("STP" . "shielded twisted pair")
- ("SVGA" . "super video graphics array")
+ ("SVGA" . "super video graphics {array,adapter}")
("TCL" . "tool command language")
("TCP" . "transmission control protocol")
+ ("TCQ" . "tagged command queueing")
("TDD" . "test driven development")
("TFT" . "thin film transistor")
+ ("TFTP" . "trivial file transfer protocol")
("TIFF" . "tagged image file format")
("TLA" . "top level aggregator")
("TLB" . "transition lookaside buffer")
@@ -614,22 +646,27 @@
("USWC" . "uncacheable speculative write combining")
("UTP" . "unshielded twisted pair")
("UUCP" . "unix-to-unix copy protocol")
+ ("UUOC" . "useless use of cat")
("VAX" . "virtual address extension")
("VCM" . "virtual channel memory")
("VESA" . "video electronics standards association")
- ("VGA" . "video graphics array")
+ ("VGA" . "video graphics {array,adapter}")
+ ("WIFI" . "wireless fidelity")
("VLAN" . "virtual local area network")
- ("VLSM" . "variable length subnetting mask")
- ("VM" . "virtual memory")
+ ("VLSM" . "variable length subnet mask")
+ ("VM" . "virtual {machine,memory}")
("VPN" . "virtual private network")
("VRAM" . "video random access memory")
+ ("VRRP" . "virtual router redundancy protocol")
("WAN" . "wide area network")
("WAP" . "wireless application protocol")
+ ("WEP" . "wired equivalent privacy")
("WLAN" . "wireless local area network")
+ ("WPA" . "wi-fi protected access")
("WRAM" . "window random access memory")
("WWW" . "world wide web")
("XER" . "XML Encoding Rules")
- ("XGA" . "extended graphics array")
+ ("XGA" . "extended graphics {array,adapter}")
("XML" . "extensible markup language")
("XSL" . "extensible stylesheet language")
("XT" . "extended technology")
@@ -642,12 +679,13 @@
("FTBFS" . "failure to build from source")
("GAFC" . "get a fucking clue")
("IDS" . "intrusion detection system")
+ ("IDK" . "i don't know")
("IYSWIM" . "if you see what i mean")
("NIFOC" . "naked in front of computer")
("PITB" . "pain in the butt")
("ROTFLMAO" . "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off")
("TWAT" . "the war against terrorism")
- ("WTB" . "Where's The Beef"))
+ ("WTB" . "where's the beef"))
"Mapping of acronyms to expansions.")
(defun wtf-match-string-no-properties (num &optional string)